How does it work?
Brandon Bays (the pioneer of The Journey Method) has managed to masterfully combine into one process, the essence of many modern day therapies & ancient spiritual practices. In one 2.5-3.5 hour process many have experienced what it’s taken others years of cognitive therapy, mindfulness & disciplined practices to achieve. Because it brings attention to the physical, emotional, psychological, and soulful aspects of your being all in one process, it is the “real deal” in terms of being a holistic process. The method has proven so effective, that it is being used by doctors, nurses, psychologists, and many other health practitioners from around the world. It is now available in 48 countries and has transformed the lives of millions of people worldwide, from all different backgrounds, religious faiths, & walks of life.
We begin the session by setting an intention (or if you prefer, putting out a prayer). During the process, you are gracefully guided to connect to your body’s wisdom & uncover the blocks that are in the way of your intention/prayer. The process incorporates a variety of techniques & takes you through powerful steps that allow you to release these blocks, and consciously re-program the conscious & subconscious mind and body (cellular) memory. It is masterfully crafted to ensure that this reprograming occurs from a deeper place of wisdom, free from the constraints & fears of the past. Hence, the same way the previous unhealthy thoughts, emotions, behavior, were automatic before the process, so it is, that after the process, the new healthier & consciously chosen thoughts, emotions, behaviors are now felt & expressed naturally. The effects of your Journey are not limited to increased cognitive understanding & clarity, but are also integrated into the subconscious mind & the body’s cellular memory. In this way the results immediately affect your thoughts, emotions, behavior & have a healing effect on your physical body, without needing further conscious effort (even though you may consciously choose to implement new practices & take actions that will leverage the effects of the session).
It’s possible that the key to its unparalleled success is the combination of so many essential factors that are brought together in one simple ‘user friendly’ process. It truly is one of the most profoundly effective, holistic, integrated tools for healing available today, and the only repeatable step by step process I know to reconnect to your deepest Truth & awakening any time you choose.
How can The Journey Method help me?
The answer to this will depend on what your intention is or where your challenge lies.
For example, can you relate to any/some/all of the below statements?
- I’m feeling disconnected to “my Self” and/or others
- I’m really emotionally triggered by something & it doesn’t seem to pass
- I see what I’m saying/doing is causing me or/and others harm but I can’t seem to stop.
- Re-occurring thoughts and/or behaviors have a compulsive, repetitive, or addictive nature to them
- I notice I haven’t been “seeing/acting clearly” for a while now
- I am not able to accept the moment exactly as it is. I notice I’ve been resisting “what is” & judging a life situation for an ongoing period of time now.
- I have a persistent complaint
Resistance, complaints, and painful emotions can naturally come & go, but if they “stick” around, it’s usually a sign you’re stuck in an old/outdated pattern of behavior or an old wound has been triggered.
The Journey Method can help on so many levels, again: What do YOU long for, or what have you had enough of?
How can The Journey Method help me?
Are you tired of pretending and presenting an ‘all together’ mask to the world, and feeling like you have to push your emotions away to stay “in control” or “maintain that image”? Even though you know the more you do this the more out of control & anxious you feel, the more outburst there are, or the more numbed out or disconnected you feel. Wish you could just relax & simply allow what you really feel to be here, the raw truth of it all? Imagine if you could, you may discover what’s deeper and infinitely more trustable and authentic than the pretense or suppression …. book in for a Journey
How can The Journey Method help me?
Mind / Psychological
Tired of those obsessive or repetitive thoughts and can’t seem to find the “off button” in the chaos of the mind? Sick of hearing the same negative self-talk playing out in your head as if on “automatic-repeat”? Want it to stop, but you don’t know how? Yet somewhere inside you know, that having clarity of mind & being in a state of relaxed awareness is a much more natural & effective way of living? Ready to wake up & know a peace of mind that is inclusive, yet infinitely greater than the passing thoughts? Ready to use your mind, instead of it using you? Can you imagine the wisdom & genius you could access if there was some space in the stream of obsessive, automatic thinking? …… book in for a Journey
How can The Journey Method help me?
Doing so much to manage the pain, but somehow you know it’s not just physical? Exhausted, you desperately want to rest or slow down, but you feel like you can’t afford to, even though you know this is not a sustainable pace? Will you stop before your body stops you? Maybe it’s time to listen to your body now, to re-discover your own unique pace & remember how to genuinely enjoy life in a way that feels natural & sustainable? Can you imagine the energy, relaxation, and pleasure you could feel in your body if you gave yourself permission to live with such effortless ease? Ready to ask your body what’s really going on? Ready to choose to live at your own individual pace, at a natural rhythm that cares for and listens to the wisdom of your body? …. book in for a Journey
How can The Journey Method help me?
Do relationships, some in particular, just feel like too much hard work sometimes? Want to “throw in the towel”, can’t stop blaming, trying to fix “them”, or feeling victimised ….. but somehow you know that the real issue is not “out there”, “in them”, “your partner”, “that job”, or that “colleague”? Ready to see what’s REALLY driving you now? Imagine how empowering it is to know that regardless of what’s happening around you or who’s “out there”, that you can still be at peace with yourself & act or speak with clarity and integrity …. book in for a Journey
How can The Journey Method help me?
Simply going about the motions of life, feeling uninspired, flat or just plain disconnected? Wondering what they actually mean by “your Potential, Source, Essence, Deepest Core, True Self, Spirit, Soul” etc etc … and how that’s even relevant to your day to day life? Yet, somewhere you know there’s more to you than what you are currently feeling & more aliveness to life than what you are currently experiencing? Or maybe you know exactly what those words are pointing to and are simply feeling far from your Self or a little disconnected? Ready to wake up & re-connect? Fed up with mental concepts of spirituality …. maybe it’s time for your own personal experience ? …. book in for a Journey
The journey method packages
1 journey session
1 x Follow up call/email
3 pack journeys
3x JOURNEY METHOD* (€195 p/session)
3x Follow up call/email
10 pack journeys
10x JOURNEY METHOD* (€180 p/session)
10x Follow up call/email
Enneagram personality test & profile results
* 3 pack to be used within 1 year/10 pack within 2 years
Note: Each session is approximately 3-4hrs long
Frequently asked questions
Deviations in Pregnancy
I support women through the unspeakable choices they are faced with making; and in the case of the death of a child prior to or during birth, with healing the grief & devastation of that overwhelming loss.
Getting news that there is something not quite right with your developing baby is often unexpected & always shocking. Some women hear this news early on from preliminary blood tests, or a 10 week ultrasound, other abnormalities can go undetected until the 20 week ultrasound or later. Either way, any mother that has been unfortunate enough to receive this heart shattering news, knows the intensity & rollercoaster of emotions that follows this event.
There is usually an immense amount of information to digest about whatever deviation or syndrome has been detected, countless tests that can be performed, and often unspeakable choices need to be made within a short amount of time. After all that, there is living with the reality of those choices & for some, dealing with the death of a child. This all taking place whilst pregnancy hormones are surging through the body. It’s often a marathon of challenging events & always a life changing experience.
Having gone through this experience myself, The Journey method was invaluable in helping me through this incredibly challenging time. Doing a Journey session with a qualified practitioner helped me in making the clearest & most empowered choices I could make at the time, and after the birth & death of our “Little man” (as we named him) at 6 months pregnant, it supported me to heal the grief, guilt & devastation that followed. It also helped me to let go of the fears that automatically surfaced when the desire arose to try again for another child. I am blessed to be a Journey practitioner, so I immediately knew it was the perfect thing to do to support myself through these series of events. For this reason I am particularly passionate about giving women who are in a similar situation (I recognize each situation is unique) access to The Journey Method. I want you to have a tool that helps you navigate this tumultuous & important time with as much clarity, love & wisdom as possible. A method that supports you to fully heal & receive the gifts of even the most heart shattering of experiences. This is The Journey Method.
So if you are in a similar situation, at whatever point along this journey, & you are wanting or needing some support please contact me or go straight to the booking in page to make an appointment.