How is Creatrix Coaching unique?
Are you genuinely tired of ‘chasing the carrot’? Are you ready for a different kind of coaching, one that has the goals you set honor the present moment v’s using the present moment as a means to an end? Are you done being fooled into believing that ‘when I get that #goal# THEN everything will be ok’? Ready to awaken & ignite your Inner driving force so that you are naturally inspired to take action, and equally ok to rest when rest is required?
There is nothing more precious than this present moment, are you ready to honor it by living an authentic life powered by your inner wisdom & the beautiful Truth of who you are? Yes?! ….. then Creatrix Coaching is for you!
There’s an abundance of coaches out there ready to push you to take action & reach your goal, only to realize when you ‘get there’, it’s a short lived pleasure & nothing fundamental has changed inside you. You still feel just as dissatisfied & are now left looking for the next ‘illusionary future’ goal where then everything will be ok. When I have more money, when I’m thinner, when I am successful, when I have that house, when I’m the perfect relationship, when I get that job ….. etc etc. The worst thing about that is that usually reaching that goal was so exhausting (because you are constantly pushing through subconscious fears & working against deeply rooted behavioral patterns to get there), and the reward often so short lived, that you are left with little energy or motivation to now embark on the NEXT goal seeking, carrot chasing, pushing shit uphill mission! The other issue is that in order to get ‘there’ you relied on the coach as the external motivator pushing you to take actions & you become dependent on a coach to get you ‘there’.
This goal worshiping way of living, so common in today’s society, has left many hopeless, depressed, exhausted and wondering why they are working so hard to ‘get there’ in the first place & why they are still feeling dissatisfied or empty inside. This is particularly true for women (or anyone with a feminine essence anyway) as this goal driven, masculine approach, is totally unnatural for someone with a feminine essence.
This is NOT the way Creatrix Coaching works.
Whilst we also work with goals & actions, and whilst I do motivate you to stay true to your Self, we work from the inside out. In Creatrix Coaching, we use your goals & intentions to get access to who you long to be right now, and work on letting go of what’s in the way of natural action, and of living aligned with your Authentic Self NOW. We work on the principle of Be>Do>Have.
First connect & discover who you really are (& who you are not! but have been told to be or thought you needed to be ‘in order to’ ect). You will reconnect to your unique gifts, beliefs, values & ways of BEING, ones that are inherently natural to you. You will clear out & let go of what is not aligned with who you are & what you are up to NOW. This is all done in reference to the area of life you choose to focus on (focusing on one area at a time gives more powerful results) and yet the shifts & insights you will experience will have a flow on effect on every area of your life. Creating goals & visions from this honest Inner foundation are infinitely more rewarding, and actions flow much more gracefully. Results are seen as a bi-product of Being in Aligned Action (BAA). More importantly, living connected to who you really are right NOW and accepting the process of evolution, has life be Joyful, effortless, and fulfilling in each & every moment. Paradoxically, you are much more likely to manifest your goals living in this state of being, and yet you are no longer attached to them. You are also no longer waiting for anything to change in order to live, love & feel daily gratitude for the incredible gift of simply Being alive.
If you still believe that WHEN you reach the next goal THEN you will be happy, or successful, or fulfilled, and all you need is the help of a coach that will drive you to ‘push that shit uphill’ & do,do,do until you force it to happen? …. then Creatrix Coaching is not for you. You might however be back once you have experienced the futility of what I’m pointing at ;o)
Creatrix Coaching programs
Are you longing to fully embrace who you truly are now & co-create who you are naturally becoming? Do you want actions & results to feel like a natural bi-product of you simply living true to your Self right now, instead of full of effort & obligation? Is it time to experience your life as a joyful opportunity to express what’s already within you, and to see your goals as the natural unfolding your divine Self? …. Then Creatrix Coaching is a perfect fit for YOU!
- re-claim your power of choice and become the creative director of your own life.
- reconnect to your unique gifts, beliefs, values & natural ways of being.
- use your emotions to deeply program your subconscious mind consciously.
- discover the difference between what you think you ‘should want’ & what you really want.
- deeply clear out & let go of what is not aligned with who you are & what you are up to now.
- immediately start living more fully and authentically.
- feel deep acceptance for your own unique process of unfolding.
- create a vision that will naturally pull you forward & be a guiding force to living a life you love now (not in some imagined better future)
- take actions & have foundational level shifts in 1-3 areas of your life that will positively impact every area.
- experience results that are powered by honoring the present moment.
- stop waiting for circumstances to change in order to love your life now & feel daily gratitude.
- master practices to awaken your ability to instantly be in “state”. States of being that are aligned with your true self/visions/goals.
- learn tools to get the conscious mind on board, and how to use it as a tool that works for you in what you are up to, not against you.
The journey method packages
Today I rise
3 months

1 x Follow up call/email
3 months

3x JOURNEY METHOD* (€170 p/session)
3x Follow up call/email
Time to soar
3 months

3x JOURNEY METHOD* (€160 p/session)
10x Follow up call/email
Enneagram personality test & profile results
* 3 pack to be used within 1 year/10 pack within 2 years
Creatrix Coaching programs
Today I rise
3 months

Weekly appointments
for 12 weeks*
Breakthrough Coaching Consults 2 x 2hr
Coaching Consultations 8 x 1.5hr
Journey Method process 2 x 3hr
6 months

Biweekly appointments
for 12 weeks*
Breakthrough Coaching Consults 2 x 2hr
Coaching Consultations 8 x 1.5hr
Journey Method process 2 x 3hr
Enneagram personality test & profile results
Time to soar
1 year

Biweekly appointments
for 50 weeks*
Breakthrough Coaching Consults 4 x 2hr
Coaching Consultations 16 x 1.5hr
Journey Method process 3 x 3hr
Enneagram personality test & profile results
Enneagram coaching session 1 x 1.5hr
Enneagram 'No-Ego' process 1 x 3hr
* The duration of the programs may vary slightly depending on individual schedules & holidays.
Expat & international women.
Moving to a new country & culture is both challenging and filled with new opportunities. If you want to be supported by someone who understands AND has the skills & tools to help you turn this new chapter into a powerful opportunity to recreate yourself, then Creatrix Coaching is for you. Not only is the coaching program perfect for a ‘new start’, I also have practical resources & support materials for expats living abroad that will make it much easier to integrate and settle in to your life in your new country.
Whilst it’s true that there is usually the feeling of a new adventure ahead, there is also often another side to this event. Missing family & friends, feeling like you don’t quite fit in yet, making new friends, adjusting to a new culture, and sometimes even letting go of a career that gave purpose … to name a few, can also be challenging realities that expats & immigrants face. At first of course, it’s often exciting and new, but once that initial stage is over there’s likely a new reality to deal with. The energy that it takes to uproot & ‘replant’ oneself (& for some a whole family), can be unexpected & exhausting. It can trigger a whole host of emotions. Even something as simple as the shopping, that you used to do with mindless ease & efficiency, can turn into something that takes way more time than you expected and quickly becomes a challenging expedition! I’ve heard many women in this situation start to wonder where their ‘old self’ has gone …. referring to their confident, positive, capable self. Others can feel extremely isolated, & don’t yet feel comfortable enough with their ‘new friends/family’ to vulnerably share their struggles with, this can feel very lonely. It’s also not uncommon to feel disorientated or a little clumsy whilst trying to understand & adapt to new cultural norms, and to struggle with navigating the complexities of a totally new cultural ‘personality’ where you have not yet had time to develope healthy ways of being with the challenging aspects of this ‘new cultural relationship’. There are so many new opportunities & challenges, that having a trusted coach by your side can be the fundamental difference between a powerful new start or a lonely struggle to adapt.
It’s precisely because I found myself wishing that I had me as a coach as support in the ‘early days’, that I am so passionate about offering Creatrix Coaching to women in a similar situation. I wanted someone who spoke English, who could relate to what I was going through, had access to useful resources & materials for expats, and who knew what I didn’t know I needed to know (I often caught myself saying, I wish I had known this when I first arrived!). I especially wanted someone who had the skills & wisdom to support me through the emotional challenges and to guide me in creating the best life possible, whilst I discovered who I was in relationship to this new culture & environment.
So the good news for you is, that you don’t need to go it alone. If you can see how this would benefit you & would love some empowering support during this new chapter of life ….. book in here